Reeling in the Kraken

Reeling in the Kraken

Ocean fishing can make for exciting sport and fabulous eating, but sometimes the things you catch can surprise you. This video from Talltanic takes a tour of some of the most bizarre creatures that have come out of the deep at the end of a line, from prehistoric relics such as the goblin shark, which barely postdates the dinosaurs, to deformities (see the fish with two mouths and the albino shark with a single cyclops eye) and monstrosities like the 18-foot oarfish. Occasionally, a day on the water nets something decidedly non-piscine, such as an international message in a bottle or a friend’s skull. Indeed, you never know what you’ll come home with after a day of fly fishing.


Fly Casting 101

Fly Casting 101

Scandinavian Fly

Scandinavian Fly